James Priest CV

Full Stack Developer

James Priest

Los Angeles, CA james-priest@outlook.com

 LinkedIn  GitHub  Twitter  Resume  Personal Portfolio  Professional Portfolio

Professional Profile

Senior TypeScript, React, REST API, and Database Developer with vast experience building full-stack web applications. I’m passionate about User Experience, Responsive Design, and Web Accessibility.

Technical Skills

Development Skills  
Responsive Web Design / Mobile Web Design Web Accessibility & ARIA Compliance
UI/UX, Information Architecture, Standards Design Web Automation & Build Systems
.NET Web Application Development Database Development (RDBMS & NoSQL)
Languages UI, Frameworks, & Database IDEs, Cloud, & Version Control
TypeScript React / Redux VS Code / DevTools
JavaScript Node.js / Express / Socket.io Git / GitHub / GitLab
C# ASP.NET / .NET Framework Azure DevOps / Heroku / Netlify
Python SQL / Stored Procedures / Transactions Azure Cloud (Win & Linux VMs)
  Stack Capabilities  
Front End Development Back End Development Database Design
Technical Skills
Web: Ant Design, MUI, Bootstrap, jQuery, Semantic-UI, Sematic-UI-React
HTML5 APIs: Service Worker, Web Worker, IndexedDB, Cache API, Fetch API, Promise API
Build: Vite, Webpack, Babel, Vercel, ESBuild, Rollup, NPM, Yarn, PNPM, Gulp, Grunt, Jekyll
Database: MS SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB Query Syntax, NoSQL, Redis
Industry Knowledge: Digital Marketing, Project Management, Documentation & Technical Writing

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Career History


  September 2019 - July 2024
Senior Software Engineer II Pasadena, California

Responsible for developing both internal and client-facing SaaS applications, dashboards, and visualizations for business-critical decision making. Reported to Director of Data Analytics in the role of Chief Frontend Engineer for the Analytics, Usage Reporting, and Business Process Intelligence teams.

Self-Employed / Technical Training

  April 2017 - August 2019
Senior Software Engineer La Canada, California

Completed two years of full-time technical training related to web and mobile development. This was done through Udacity, an industry leading technology educator that offers programs created by Google, IBM, Amazon, AT&T, and Facebook.

Program Duration Completion
React Nanodegree (React, Redux, & React Native) , Udacity 6 months June 2019
Google Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree, Udacity 6 months Oct 2018
Grow with Google Scholarship, Mobile Web Development, Udacity 3 months Apr 2018
JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures Certification, freeCodeCamp 300 hours Dec 2017
Responsive Web Design Developer Certification, freeCodeCamp 300 hours Jul 2017


  April 2006 - March 2017
Principal Web Application Developer Pasadena, California

Served as technology lead and .NET expert for a digital marketing agency. Had the opportunity to contribute to hundreds of website solutions across a wide variety of platforms, technologies, and programming languages for such clients as:

Qualcomm J. Walter Thompson Edelman
Shell Sony Beechcraft
Maserati ABC Studios Sprint Telecomm
Miramax 20th Century Fox Adobe

Notable projects include:

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devAware Technology Solutions

  July 2002 - March 2006
Founder, Lead Developer La Canada, California

devAware specialized in .NET & Windows DNA application development for the web and desktop. As founder and lead developer, my role was that of information architect, systems designer & application developer. Some notable projects include:

X-Men – The Last Stand The Fast and the Furious Fantastic 4
The Family Guy Alien: Director Cut National Treasure
Alexander 24 Season 1-3 X2 – X-Men United

Technologies Used: VB.NET, ADO.NET, VB COM objects, InstallShield scripting, IIS, SQL Server, testing lab methodologies

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The Velodea Group and Bleu22 Studios

  July 2000 - July 2002
Principal Software Engineer Milan, Italy / Los Angeles, California

As lead developer and director of The Velodea Group’s Velotek division, job responsibilities spanned an array of IT related areas including web application development, systems architecture and network infrastructure. Velotek’s primary role consisted of developing web-based product offerings and creating technical solutions for clients.

Technologies Used: ASP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, VB, COM, XML; DevOps for Windows Server, Exchange Server & SQL Server platforms & Active Directory Networks.

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Microsoft Corporation

  November 1998 – June 2000
Release Program Manager Redmond, Washington

As a key member of Microsoft’s Product Release team, responsibilities included application development, system design and project management for release of Microsoft product to the marketplace. Projects driven and developed by myself included:

Each system was developed according to multi-tier design architecture standards and were built using HTML, ASP, Visual Basic, JavaScript, VBScript, CSS, and SQL stored procedures. Where possible, MTS COM objects were created for re-usability and programming practices followed a component-based object model. Additional responsibilities ranged from systems analysis to solution implementation and included such things as application prototyping, database design, user-interface design and technical, functional, and user documentation.

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Phillips Research Laboratory

  September 1997 – October 1998
Web Application Developer Albuquerque, New Mexico

Hired as Lead Intranet Developer for the U.S. Air Force’s Phillips Research Lab at Kirtland Air Force Base. Job functions involved design and implementation of all web-based client/server applications as well as systems analysis, database programming and graphic design. Technologies used included ASP, SQL, Java and ActiveX development. Also responsible for NT, IIS, and SQL Server administration and configuration.

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Intel Corporation

  June 1997 – September 1997
Web Application Developer Rio Rancho, New Mexico

Contracted to design and develop a web-based reporting system responsible for generating statistical information for Intel University. Utilized ASP, SQL, and custom developed ActiveX DLLs. The system was implemented worldwide upon its completion.

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Mobile Flashcards App
Mobile Flashcards App
June 2019
Triathlon Fitness App
Triathlon Fitness Tracker
May 2019
Would You Rather Game
Would You Rather Game
April 2019
Restaurant Review App
Restaurant Review App
December 2018
CSS Grid Learning App
CSS Grid Learning App
June 2018
Weather Forecast App
Weather Forecast App
March 2018
Random Quote Generator
Random Quote Generator
September 2017
SpyCats Portfolio Site
SpyCats Portfolio Site
August 2017
JavaScript Array Methods
JavaScript Array Methods
July 2017

Mobile Flashcards App

June 2019
Mobile Flashcards App

GitHub | Live Demo
Code Notes | Code Sample
Mobile Flashcards is an iOS and Android app was built with React Native & Redux.
  • Users can create decks & add cards
  • Uses AsyncStorage to persist user data
  • Quizzes can be taken and a score is given at the end

Triathlon Fitness Tracker

May 2019
The Triathlon Fitness Tracker was built for iOS and Android using React Native.
  • Allows users to track Run, Bike, Swim, Sleep, & Eat categories on a daily basis
  • Provides activity history and notification reminders
  • Uses Geolocation to track direction, speed, & altitude
Triathlon Fitness Tracker

GitHub | Live Demo
Code Notes | Code Sample

Would You Rather Game

April 2019
Would You Rather Game

GitHub | Live Demo
Code Notes | Code Sample
Would You Rather is a polling game that presents users a series of questions to answer.
  • It is built with React/Redux & is fully responsive
  • Allows users to create and answer questions
  • Utilizes account login, tracks answered/unanswered questions, & provides leaderboard scores

Restaurant Review App

December 2018
This mobile-optimized Progressive Web App is
  • Fully responsive and ARIA compliant
  • Uses Service Worker, IndexedDB, & Cache API for a seamless offline experience
  • Synchronizes when a connection is available and notifies the user when offline
Restaurant Review App

GitHub | Live Demo
Code Notes | Code Sample

CSS Grid Learning App

June 2018
CSS Grid Learning App

GitHub | Live Demo
CodePen | Code Sample
This JavaScript SPA was built as a proof-of-concept.
  • It teaches CSS Grid as a series of lessons
  • Is built with vanilla JavaScript, CSS transitions, & extensive use of RegEx
  • Includes an in-page code editor built from scratch

Weather Forecast App

March 2018
This SPA was written to demonstrate JAMStack architecture.
  • It is written from scratch and is fully responsive
  • Uses Ajax, JSON, Geolocation, & embedded SVG
  • Semantic-UI framework, CSS animations, & transitions
Weather Forecast App

GitHub | Live Demo
CodePen | Code Sample

Random Quote Generator

September 2017
Random Quote Generator

GitHub | Live Demo
CodePen | Code Sample
This app was built to satisfy a Front End certification requirement.
  • It uses JavaScript, jQuery, & Ajax for API requests
  • CSS transitions to dynamically display famous quotes
  • Embedded SVG & FontAwesome for icons and background

SpyCats Portfolio Site

August 2017
This site was written to satisfy a Front End certification requirement.
  • It uses Bootstrap, jQuery, HTML5 Forms
  • It incorporates scroll navigation & semantic HTML
  • Is fully responsive and scales across devices
SpyCats Portfolio Site

GitHub | Live Demo
CodePen | Code Sample

JavaScript Array Methods

July 2017
JavaScript Array Methods

GitHub | Live Demo
Code Sample
This app was built as part of my Microsoft Developer Certification study.
  • It uses Object Oriented ES5 JavaScript
  • QUnit and TDD (Test-Driven Development) methodology
  • It dynamically builds an interface that models various JavaScript Array methods

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DeVry University California 1994 - 1997
Bachelor of Computer Information Systems (BSc CIS) Graduation with Honors - GPA 3.52/4.00

Computer Science degree with a focus on the following.

Core languages taught are Java, C#, and JavaScript.

Udacity 2019
React Nanodegree Web Application Development

This 6-month program prepares developers to build declarative user interfaces for the web as well as iOS and Android devices. It covers developing:

Udacity 2018
Google Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree Web Application Development

This 6-month program prepares developers to be job-ready for Mobile Web Development roles. It covers developing:

Udacity 2018
Grow with Google Mobile Web Scholarship Challenge Web Application Development

This 3-month intensive program served as a precursor to the formal Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree by Google program offered by Udacity. It focuses on Responsive Design, Web Accessibility & Offline-first Architecture.

freeCodeCamp 2017-2018
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Web Application Development

This represents roughly 300 hours of course work. It covers JavaScript, ES6, Regular Expressions, Debugging, Data Structure, Algorithm Scripting, Object Oriented Programming, & Functional Programming.

freeCodeCamp 2017-2018
Responsive Web Design Web Application Development

This represents roughly 300 hours of course work. It covers all aspects of modern web design including HTML, CSS, Visual Design, Accessibility, Responsive Web Design Principles, Flexbox, & CSS Grid.

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Program Duration Completion
React Nanodegree (React, Redux, & React Native) , Udacity 6 months May 2019
Google Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree, Udacity 6 months Oct 2018
Grow with Google Scholarship, Mobile Web Development, Udacity 3 months Apr 2018
JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structures Certification, freeCodeCamp 300 hours Dec 2017
Responsive Web Design Developer Certification, freeCodeCamp 300 hours Jul 2017

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Starting in April 2017, I began a full-time program of online study related to web & mobile development.

I’ve completed more than 45 courses from providers such as Udacity, Pluralsight, Code School, Microsoft Virtual Academy, & freeCodeCamp.

Course Completed Provider
React Native May 2019 Udacity
React & Redux March 2019 Udacity
React Fundamentals January 2019 Udacity
Becoming a GitHub Pro December 2018 Udacity
High Conversion Web Forms by Google November 2018 Udacity
Browser Rendering Optimizations by Google November 2018 Udacity
HTTP & Web Servers by Google October 2018 Udacity
HTTP Communications by Google October 2018 Udacity
Web Tooling & Automation (Grunt & Gulp) August 2018 Udacity
Asynchronous JavaScript Requests by Google July 2018 Udacity
JavaScript Promises by Google June 2018 Udacity
Web Accessibility by Google June 2018 Udacity
Responsive Images by Google May 2018 Udacity
Responsive Web Design Fundamentals by Google May 2018 Udacity
React Bootcamp (4-days) April 2018 Tyler McGinnis
Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3 April 2018 Microsoft Press
ES6 - JavaScript Improved by AT&T March 2018 Udacity
Offline Web Applications by Google February 2018 Udacity
Regular Expressions December 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Mobile Web Design December 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Flexbox Zombies December 2017 Dave Geddes
Cracking FlexBox November 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
CSS Grid Garden November 2017 CodePip
Flexbox Froggy November 2017 CodePip
CSS Web Animations November 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Advanced jQuery November 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Git Real Advanced Intro to Git November 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Real-time Web with Node.js October 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Try jQuery October 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
You, Me, & SVG October 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
JavaScript Best Practices October 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
JavaScript Road Trip Part 3 September 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
JavaScript Road Trip Part 2 September 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
JavaScript Road Trip Part 1 September 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Intermediate Front End Development Projects September 2017 freeCodeCamp
JSON APIs and Ajax module September 2017 freeCodeCamp
Basic Algorithm Scripting September 2017 freeCodeCamp
Object Oriented and Functional Programming August 2017 freeCodeCamp
Basic JavaScript module August 2017 freeCodeCamp
Basic Front End Development Projects August 2017 freeCodeCamp
Blasting Off with Bootstrap (CSS Frameworks) August 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
CSS Cross Country (Intermediate CSS) August 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Front-end Formations (HTML5 & CSS II) August 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Front-end Foundations (HTML5 & CSS I) August 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
jQuery module July 2017 freeCodeCamp
Responsive Design with Bootstrap module July 2017 freeCodeCamp
HTML5 and CSS module June 2017 freeCodeCamp
Try Git May 2017 Code School (Pluralsight)
Getting Started with Web Technologies April 2017 Microsoft Virtual Academy

Prior Training

Following are some notable courses take prior to 2017

Course Completed Provider Credential
JavaScript Fundamentals June 2014 Microsoft Virtual Academy
Developing in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS February 2014 Microsoft Virtual Academy
Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application February 2014 Microsoft Virtual Academy
Programming in C# Jump Start January 2014 Microsoft Virtual Academy
C# Fundamentals January 2014 Microsoft Virtual Academy
Database Fundamentals January 2014 Microsoft Virtual Academy
Visual Studio 2010 Essential Training January 2014 Lynda.com
C# Essential Training January 2014 Lynda.com
Software Development Fundamentals January 2014 Microsoft Virtual Academy
What’s New In Windows 8.1 for IT Pro’s December 2013 Microsoft Virtual Academy
HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals December 2013 Microsoft Virtual Academy
Flash CS4 Professional Essential Training October 2009 Lynda.com
ActionScript 3 in Flash CS3 Essential Training September 2008 Lynda.com
Flex 3 Essential Training May 2008 Lynda.com
ActionScript 3 in Flex Builder Essential Training January 2008 Lynda.com
Flex 2 Essential Training November 2007 Lynda.com
CSS Website Design July 2007 Lynda.com
HTML Essential Training July 2007 Lynda.com
ASP.NET July 2003 App Dev Certification
VB.NET January 2003 App Dev Certification
E Commerce Apps through Advanced XML April 2000 Architag University
Macromedia Flash 4.0 March 2000 Microsoft (Redmond campus)
SQL Server 7.0 DB Implementation January 2000 Microsoft (Redmond campus)
Visual Basic 5.0 Certification December 1999 The Waite Group
Building 3-tier XML Architectures August 1999 The Waite Group
VB Data Access May 1999 Microsoft (Redmond campus)
VB Programming April 1999 Microsoft (Redmond campus)
XML, An Overview February 1999 Architag University
Advanced HTML Authoring December 1998 Microsoft (Redmond Campus)
Oracle Developer 2000 Reports 3.0 May 1998 Oracle Training
VB & Internet Advisor DevCon 98 February 1998 Advisor Publications
Java 1.1 Programming Certification January 1998 The Waite Group

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These are links to various postings and online communities I take part in.

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My Story

A brief timeline of my development career written as a narrative.

1994-1997 • DeVry University • Pomona, CA
- Bright-eyed and Bushy Tailed -
Schooled at DeVry University in technology, programming, and information systems. Graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Computer Information Systems (BSc CIS) degree.
1997-1998 • Kirtland AFB • Albuquerque, NM
- Proving Myself -
Worked at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, NM - Underwent FBI background check and was granted secret clearance to work on web-based collaboration applications dealing with guidance systems and other technologies relevant to our armed forces.
1998 - 2000 • ✨ Microsoft ✨ • Redmond, WA
- The Promised Land -
Worked at Microsoft as a Release Program Manager writing web-based applications to manage the cataloging, scanning, workflow, and distribution of all Microsoft's downloadable content to microsoft.com's Download Center. This was a wonderful example of the kind of dynamic, creative, and engaging company culture I thrived in and am looking to join once again.
2000 - 2002 • Velodea • Milan, Italy
- Going International -
Left Microsoft to join The Velodea Group - Became employee number seven of this dotcom startup. It was here I experienced a new level of intensity and self-determination. I traveled frequently between Los Angeles and Milan offices and served as the head of technology and lead developer for many corporate projects, both internal and external.
2002 - 2006 • devAware Technology Solutions • Los Angeles, CA
- Opportunities at Home -
Wanting to settle down locally, I transitioned to the role of independent contractor and freelance developer under my own company umbrella. This was liberating, stressful, and intensely time consuming. It helped me realize I love coding, development, and technology but am less excited with administration, payroll, and collections. I did learn to wear many hats while working with such companies as Sony, Fox Studios and Xtreme Desktops.
2006 - 2017 • Velodea • Pasadena, CA
- New Opportunities with Old Friends -
In 2006 I was invited to return to Velodea to help lift the company out of a financial deficit. Together with the Managing Director we streamlined operations with smaller dev teams, tighter turn-arounds, and more effective project management.
Within a year the company was able to pay off $200k worth of corporate debt and begin to turn a profit once again.
The success of these efforts assured another ten years of fulfilling and prosperous work before the untimely passing of our CEO and Managing Director.
2017 - 2019 • Education, Certification & Training • Los Angeles, CA
- Back to School -
Not wanting to rest on my laurels, I set out to master today's most in-demand technologies and front end frameworks. In that process I earned multiple certifications including a Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree & React Nanodegree.
2019 - 2024 • Everbridge • Pasadena, CA
- Analytics, Dashboard, and Data, Oh my! -
Hired as Chief Frontend Engineer for the Data Analytics division, I set to work on delivering data-based visualization, dashboards, and mapping solutions. In this role I helped develop a new SaaS product for the Everbridge Suite, increased revenue, and provided tools to assist in mission-critical decision making.

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