100 Days of Code - Round 3

by James Priest

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James Priest

100 Days Of Code

Log 1 Log 2 Log 3 Log 4 Log 5
100 Days Round 1 100 Days Round 2 this log 100 Days Round 4 100 Days Round 5

Challenge & Commitment

This is part of Alexander Kallaway’s 100DaysOfCode challenge. More details about the challenge can be found here: 100daysofcode.com.

Commitment: I will code daily for the next 100 days.

Start Date End Date
May 9, 2018 October 2, 2018


Code Log

100. Restaurant App - Stg 3 Offline Reviews

Day 100: October 2, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Offline Alert

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

I finished another round of 100DaysOfCode! Yay! I was hoping to be done with this project by now but it looks like it’ll take me into Round 4.

This latest set of code changes represented significant updates to my Restaurant Review app. This included

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 9 Offline Reviews.


99. Restaurant App - Stage 3 IDB Store & Index

Day 99: September 30, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

IDB Index

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

Next I needed to create an object store to hold data so users can have an uninterrupted offline experience.

I this case I added the reviews object store as well as an index (foreign key) that relates the review back to the restaurant.

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 8 Review Store.


98. Restaurant App - Stage 3 New Gulp Build

Day 98: September 29, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

I created a new set of Gulp build tasks to successfully transform & bundle my IDB code.


// DBHelper
gulp.task('dbhelper', function () {
  var bundler = browserify([                   // ['1.js', '2.js']
    './app/js/idbhelper.js',                   // include these files
  ], { debug: false });                        // no sourcemaps

  return bundler
    .transform(babelify, {sourceMaps: false})  // required for 'import'
    .bundle()                                  // concat
    .pipe(source('dbhelper.min.js'))           // get text stream w/ dest filename
    .pipe(buffer())                            // use stream w/ other plugins
    .pipe(gulp.dest('.tmp/js/'));              // outout here...

This combines multiple script files and automatically imports dependencies like the one shown below…


import idb from 'idb';

const dbPromise = idb.open('udacity-restaurant-db', 1, upgradeDB => {
  switch (upgradeDB.oldVersion) {
    case 0:
        { keyPath: 'id', unique: true });

self.idbKeyVal = idbKeyVal;   // <- This line exposes the object literal.

There are now easier ways to do this with tools like Parcel.js and WebPack but Grunt & Gulp are what the lessons taught so I stuck with those.

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 7 Refactor IDB Code.


97. Restaurant App - Stage 3 Update IDB Schema

Day 97: September 28, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Old IDB Schema

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

Stage 3 required me to update the object store schema for restaurants.

As you can see above, I had previously just saved the entire json list of restaurants as one IDB store record.

This no longer works since I now need to update data on an individual restaurant basis. Here’s what the updated schema looks like now.

Updated IDB Schema

You can read more about the code changes in my code notes.

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 6 Redesign IDB Storage.


96. Restaurant App - Stage 3 Save Review

Day 96: September 24, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

Added code to save a review from the Add Review modal pop-up to the database. This consisted of adding two pieces of code.


const saveAddReview = (e) => {

  const name = document.querySelector('#reviewName').value;
  const rating = document.querySelector('input[name=rate]:checked').value;
  const comments = document.querySelector('#reviewComments').value;

  DBHelper.createRestaurantReview(self.restaurant.id, name, rating, comments,
    (error, review) => {
    if (error) {
      console.log('Error saving review');
    } else {
      window.location.href = `/restaurant.html?id=${self.restaurant.id}`;


// http://localhost:1337/reviews/
static createRestaurantReview(id, name, rating, comments, callback) {
  const data = {
    'restaurant_id': id,
    'name': name,
    'rating': rating,
    'comments': comments
  fetch(DBHelper.DATABASE_URL + '/reviews/', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify(data)
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => callback(null, data))
    .catch(err => callback(err, null));

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 5.5 Database Updates.


95. Restaurant App - Stage 3 CodePen Review Form

Day 95: September 16, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

CodePen Review Form

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

I copied the relevant modal popup code to a CodePen (Modal popup with star rating) in case anyone wants to see how this thing is constructed.

The star rating was the most complex part of the form since it required me to manually specify proper ARIA, accessibility, and roles within the control.

This CodePen proof of concept contains:


94. Restaurant App - Stage 3 Add Review Form

Day 94: September 14, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Add Review Form

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

This consisted of implementing an “Add Review” form with a hidden radio group modified to mimic a favorite star rating control.

This was the most complex part of form since it required proper ARIA, accessibility, and role specification.

I also added the following:

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 5. Add Review Form.


93. Restaurant App - Stage 3 Create Modal Popup

Day 93: September 12, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Modal Display

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

In order to get the modal popup to happen I had to:

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 4.2 Create a Modal Popup.


92. Restaurant App - Stage 3 Display Reviews

Day 92: September 10, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Display Reviews

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

In order to get the reviews to display properly I had to do the following:

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 4.1 Display Reviews.


91. Restaurant App - Stage 3 Favorites Toggle

Day 91: September 9, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Test Favorite

Progress: Continued the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.

This last few days consisted of:

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 3. Favorite Control.


90. Restaurant App - Stage 3 Reqs & API Endpoints

Day 90: September 7, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Began the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 3 project.


The first step of this project involved understanding the new requirements. These come down to the following:

Web API Endpoints

Next I documented in my Code Notes each of the new API Endpoints.

I used an app called PostMan to test each of these CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations which fall into the following categories.

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 3: Section 2.0 API Endpoints.


89. GET, POST, & Fetch

Day 89: September 4, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

HTTP Requests

Progress: Continued Lesson 1: HTTP Request Response Cycle from

These lesson covers

Read more: Notes - Client-Server Communication - Lesson 1.6 Multiple Requests


88. HTTP Requests

Day 88: September 2, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

HTTP Requests

Progress: Continued Lesson 1: HTTP Request Response Cycle from

These lesson covers

Read more: Notes - Client-Server Communication - Lesson 1.2 HTTP Requests


87. Client-Server Communication

Day 87: August 31, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

HTTP course

Progress: Started Lesson 1: HTTP Request Response Cycle from

These lesson covers

Read more: Notes - Client-Server Communication - Lesson 1.1 Course Intro


86. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Project Completed!

Day 86: August 26, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Review Results

Progress: Submitted & completed the Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

The project passed on my first submission!

Here are my scores.

Audit Scores

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 2: Section 9. Stage 2 Review.


85. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Code Notes 4

Day 85: August 26, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

PWA Generator

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Completed my notes on the following:

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 2: Section 8. Progressive Web App.


84. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Progressive Web App

Day 84: August 25, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

PWA Generator

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Today I needed to improve my Lighthouse PWA score in order to satisfy the Stage 2 Project requirements. They were in the low 70s and needed to be brought up above 90.

The Lighthouse stats page gave a checklist of items to fix.

PWA Generator

Once I fixed as many of these as I could the score came up tremendously.

I used the Firebase’s Web App Manifest Generator (https://app-manifest.firebaseapp.com/)

Here’s my new score!

PWA Generator

Yay!!! Go me!


83. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Offline with IDB

Day 83: August 24, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

IDB data

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Finished integrating IndexedDB into the Service Worker for graceful offline performance!

Now the data is showing up and available for offline use. This means that if internet is lost the app can still show data and provide a seamless offline browsing experience.

App offline

In fact, if the restaurant page had previously been visited it will seemlessly bring in the map and any associated images as well as the data.

Otherwise it will show placeholders for images that have not been cached but the information will still display.

App offline 2

Now when I run a performance test is scores in the mid to high 70’s and works for offline browsing as well.

Performance stats

You can read a more detailed breakdown in the Code Notes.

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 2: Section 7 SW with IndexedDB.


82. Nested Promise Blues

Day 82: August 23, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Nested Promises

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

At some point these nested calls get pretty crazy. The code fails mercilessly if you miss a comma, a bracket, a parenthesis, etc.

That’s manageable to find with syntax highlighting in your editor, but when you need to insert a nested then() with conditional statements, it gets tough to keep it straight.

Case in point. The code below took hours over days to get all pieces in the right place.

function idbResponse(request) {
  return caches.open(staticCacheName).then(function (cache) {
    return cache.match(request).then(function (response) {
      return (
        response || fetch(request).then(function (networkResponse) {
          cache.add(request, networkResponse.clone());
          return networkResponse;
  }).catch(error => {
    if (request.url.includes('.jpg')) {
      return caches.match('/img/fixed/offline_img1.png');
    return new Response(error, {
      status: 404,
      statusText: 'Not connected to the internet'

I’m sure it looks clean and straightforward to read the logic now but now

I guess it’ll get faster with practice.


81. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Build & Serve

Day 81: August 17, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Gulp serve

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Finished fine-tuning the Gulp scripts for development & distribution builds.

This final part of the build system involved serving the pages and providing live reload on code changes. This was done with a plugin called browsersync.

I did this by creating three main tasks.

The build system will efficiently lint, bundle, transpile, concatenate, minify, autoprefix, & optimize my code on every save.

Now that this is automated, I can spend more time focusing on the code!

See the code notes here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 2: Section 6.8 Build & Serve.


80. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Concat & Optimize

Day 80: August 16, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

HTML, Scripts, & Styles Task

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

This was the most involved task to build. It provides the following:

See the code here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 2: Concat & Optimize notes.


79. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Responsive Images

Day 79: August 15, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Responsive Images

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Today I implemented responsive image optimization code in the build system to produce four copies of each image at a different resolution.

This will allow the site to responsively serve whichever size image is most appropriate for the requesting device.

The code is pretty straight forward and much more concise in Gulp than the same configuration in Grunt.

// Build responsive images
var gulp = require('gulp');
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')();

gulp.task('images', ['fixed-images'], function () {
  return gulp.src('app/img/*.jpg')
      '*.jpg': [
        { width: 300, rename: { suffix: '-300' }, },
        { width: 400, rename: { suffix: '-400' }, },
        { width: 600, rename: { suffix: '-600_2x' }, },
        { width: 800, rename: { suffix: '-800_2x' }, }
    }, {
      quality: 40,
      progressive: true,
      withMetadata: false,

Read more here: Restaurant Review App - Stage 2: Responsive Images notes.


78. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Code Notes 3

Day 78: August 12, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Code Notes

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Added Section 5. Evaluate Build Tools & 6. Using Gulp to my Code Notes.

This details The process of evaluating various build systems, task runners & bundlers.

My notes then cover the old school way of creating a set of Gulp tasks to do the following.

I then set up a browser-sync and run everything on a dev server.


77. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Code Notes 2

Day 77: August 9, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Code Notes

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Added Section 4. Fix Grunt Tasks to my Code Notes.

This details the changes I made to my existing Grunt config file in order to make it work with the new directory structure.

It also details hiding my Google Maps API key so that it doesn’t get posted on GitHub.

Grunt now does the following tasks.


76. Terminal Makeover

Day 76: August 7, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Update Windows 10 Terminal with tabs, split screens, & themes

Split Terminal with Tabs

Progress: This was a three day project due to much reading and research.

Here were my terminal minimum requirements:

This lead me to some great articles on how to do this. The first one I read was How to Use ‘Tmux Terminal’ to Access Multiple Terminals Inside a Single Console.

This introduced tmux (Terminal Multiplexer), which allows you to access multiple terminals inside a single terminal. This is a Linux tool though and I wasn’t sure whether Windows 10 WSL could support it. Here’s what I found.

I then read the following three Win 10 specific walk-through’s

What I finally ended up doing was installing a Windows Tab solution called Groupy which allows you to organize multiple applications into grouped tabs. Very simple drag and drop functionality.

Terminal Tabs


75. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Code Notes

Day 75: August 4, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Code Notes

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

The last three days was spent creating a code log for Stage 2 of my Restaurant App project.

Code Notes

So far I have the following sections.

  1. Project Prep - Fork & Clone dev server; install dependencies;
  2. Update Ajax to use Fetch API
  3. Update folder structure to accommodate a build process

These notes will detail the steps I take to satisfy my project requirements. I’ll also include screenshots and code samples where necessary.


74. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Transpile & Bundle

Day 74: August 1, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Performance Benchmarks

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Today was spent figuring out how to Transpile & Bundle dependency scripts into a single JavaScript file.

This means I was able to use Babel to target the latest two versions of each major browser to ensure the JavaScript would run properly.

I also added the following

This increased my benchmark scores for Performance & Progressive Web App.

Code Editor

Will continue tomorrow.


73. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Gulpfile Config

Day 73: July 31, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Code Editor

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Today I started down the rabbit hole that is Gulpfile.js. Gulp uses a code-based build process as opposed to Grunt’s config based approach.

So far I have the following tasks working.

What I need to get working in each of these tasks.

Will continue tomorrow.


72. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Fix Grunt Tasks

Day 72: July 30, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Code Editor

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Today was about getting my existing Grunt tasks to work with my new (proper) build process folder structure. Added the following tasks.

I created a separate Google Maps API key file that does not get copied GitHub. I placed the file name in .gitignore and added a Grunt task to copy the key to the HTML files when the project is built.

Now when I push my project to GitHub my API key will not get published.


71. Restaurant App - Stage 2 New App Structure

Day 71: July 29, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Code Editor

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Today I updated the structure of the client app by placing all source code files in an app/ folder and then updating the gruntfile to output to a dist/ folder.

This will provide a clean segmentation between our working source and the final compressed and optimized site.

Next steps are to migrate from Grunt to Gulp which will allow for better code based configuration and the create an additional set of build tasks to do the following:


70. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Gulp Prep

Day 70: July 28, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Spend the day looking into the best way to put together a Gulp Build Environment & Workflow.

This consisted of:

Decided to roll my own in order to get granular control over the build process.

The next step is to copy all source files into an app/ directory and then have everything output to a dest/ folder.


69. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Fetch API

Day 69: July 27, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Today was about replacing the old XHR code with Fetch API and Promise based error handling.

Old XHR code

let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', DBHelper.DATABASE_URL);
xhr.onload = () => {
  if (xhr.status === 200) { // Got a success response from server!
    const json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
    const restaurants = json.restaurants;
    callback(null, restaurants);
  } else { // Oops!. Got an error from server.
    const error = (`Request failed. Returned status of ${xhr.status}`);
    callback(error, null);

New fetch code

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(restaurants => callback(null, restaurants))
  .catch(err => callback(err, null));

Additional changes included updates to the supporting DBHelper routines for proper responsive image handling.


68. Restaurant App - Stage 2 Requirements

Day 68: July 26, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 2 project.

Today I began work on stage 2 of my Restaurant App project. This requires that we do the following:

Once these requirements are met I can submitted everything for review. Successful submission of stages 1, 2, and 3 are required to complete the nanodegree program.


67. jQuery Scroller

Day 67: July 25, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Code Log Improvements

CodePen Scroll

Progress: This was slow going and required a lot of back and forth testing.

The scroll code requires each section to be wrapped so that height can be calculated in order to properly set the active class. Unfortunately, the code sets and removes the class dozens of times for each scroll event. This needs to be fixed.

It also dynamically adds and removes the active class on each nav item between the one you are on and the destination menu item so that each menu item in between also highlights during smooth scroll. This is fine for small nav menus but gets clunky with large menus.

In the end I wasn’t able to use it for this log but I’ll try some other options as time permits.


66. Babel, Source Maps & Gulp

Day 66: July 18, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Completed Lesson 14: Optimizations & Lesson 15: Scaffolding from

These lessons covered:

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 14.8 Minification


65. Gulp Concat JS

Day 65: July 17, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 14: Optimizations from

This lesson covered:

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 14.6 JS Concatenation


64. Gulp Concat & Minify

Day 64: July 16, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Lesson 14: Optimizations from

This lessons covered:

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 14 Optimizations


63. Gulp Unit Testing

Day 63: July 15, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Finished Lesson 13: How to Prevent Disasters from

This lessons covered:

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 13.7 Unit Testing in Gulp


62. ESLint & Gulp

Day 62: July 14, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Sass and Autoprefixer

Progress: Started Lesson 13: How to Prevent Disasters from

This lessons covered:

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 13 How to Prevent Disasters


61. Browser Sync & Gulp

Day 61: July 13, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Sass and Autoprefixer

Progress: Completed Lesson 12: Browser Sync from

This lessons covered:

Here’s the minimum required for Browser Sync in Gulp. See the notes for links and more info.

var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();

  server: "./"

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 12 Browser Sync


60. Gulp Sass & Autoprefixer

Day 60: July 10, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Sass and Autoprefixer

Progress: Continued Lesson 11: Build Automation from

This lessons covered:

Here’s part of the ‘styles’ task configured to transpile .scss files to standard CSS.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');

gulp.task('styles', function() {
    .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 11.8 Sass & Autoprefixer


59. Build Tools: Grunt & Gulp

Day 59: July 9, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Basic Web Tooling

Progress: Started Lesson 11: Build Automation from

This lessons covered:

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 11 Build Automation


58. Code Editor Config

Day 58: July 8, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Basic Web Tooling

Progress: Completed Lesson 9: Tools & Automation and Lesson 10: Editor Config from

These lessons covered:

Read more: Notes - Web Tooling and Automation - Lesson 9.1 Course Intro


57. Ajax with Fetch API

Day 57: July 7, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Promises Course Map

Progress: Completed Lesson 3: Ajax with Fetch from

These lessons covered

Here’s a sample fetch/promises chain from the course

fetch(`https://api.unsplash.com/search/photos?page=1&query=${queryText}`, {
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Client-ID abc123'
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(err => requestError(err, 'image'));

.then(response => response.json())
.catch(err => requestError(err, 'articles'));

Read more: Notes - Asynchronous JavaScript Requests - Lesson 3 Ajax with Fetch


56. Promise.all/Parallel Reqs

Day 56: July 6, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Promises Course Map

Progress: Completed Lesson 2: Chaining Promises from

These lessons covered

Read more: Notes - JavaScript Promises - Lesson 2.7 .map Promises


55. Series vs Parallel Chains

Day 55: July 5, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Promises Course Map

Progress: Continued Lesson 2: Chaining Promises from

These lessons covered

Read more: Notes - JavaScript Promises - Lesson 2.4 Series vs Parallel Requests


54. Promise Error Handling

Day 54: July 4, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Promises Course Map

Progress: Started Lesson 2: Chaining Promises from

These lessons covered

Here’s a short code example with thening and multiple .catch blocks.

  .then(function (response) {
    return getJSON(response.results[0]);  // return result for chaining
  }).catch(function () {                  // catch err in search request
    throw Error('Search Request Error');
  }).then(function (planetData) {         // receive result in planetData
  }).catch(function (error) {             // catch any other error

Read more: Notes - JavaScript Promises - Lesson 2: Chaining Promises


53. Chaining XHR/Fetch API

Day 53: July 3, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Promises Course Map

Progress: Completed Lesson 1: Creating Promises from

These lessons consisted of exercises and quizzes to gain practice with

Here’s a short code example using the Fetch API.

function get(url) {
  return fetch(url);

function getJSON(url) {
  return get(url).then(function(response) {
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw Error(response.statusText ? response.statusText : 'unknown network error');
    return response.json();

  .then(function (response) {
    return response.results[0];
  }).then(function(url) {
  }).catch(function (error) {

Read more: Notes - JavaScript Promises - Lesson 1.11 Wrap XHR


52. Promise Chaining

Day 52: July 2, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Promises Course Map

Progress: Continued Lesson 1: Creating Promises from

function ready() {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    function checkState() {
      if(document.readyState !== 'loading') {
    document.addEventListener('readystatechange', checkState);


Key concepts:

This lesson covered:

Read more: Notes - JavaScript Promises - Lesson 1.9 Wrap & Chain


51. Promise Syntax

Day 51: July 1, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Promises Course Map

Progress: Started Lesson 1: Creating Promises from

Key concepts:

This lesson covered:

Read more: Notes - JavaScript Promises - Lesson 1.7 Promise Syntax


50. JavaScript Promises

Day 50: June 30, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Promises Course Map

Progress: Started Lesson 1: Creating Promises from

This lesson covered:

Read more: Notes - JavaScript Promises - Lesson 1 Creating Promises


49. jQuery $.ajax() Call Stack

Day 49: June 29, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

$.ajax() Call Stack

Progress: Finished Lesson 2: Ajax with jQuery from the Udacity course: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests by Google, AT&T, & GitHub.

This lesson covered:

Read more: Notes - Asynchronous JavaScript Requests - Lesson 2.6 Peek inside $.ajax()


48. jQuery $.ajax()

Day 48: June 28, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

  url: `http://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json?
}).done(function(data) {
  // do some stuff with the data...
  let htmlContent = '';

  if (data.response && data.response.docs && data.response.docs.length > 1) {
    htmlContent = '<ul>' + data.response.docs.map(article =>
      `<li class="article">
        <h2><a href="${article.web_url}">${article.headline.main}</a></h2>
    ).join('') + '</ul>';
  } else {
    htmlContent = '<div class="error-no-articles">No articles available</div>';

  responseContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', htmlContent);
}).fail(function(e) {
  handleError(e, 'data')

function handleError(e, errType) {
  console.log(`uh-oh.😞 A ${errType} error:`, e);

Progress: Started Lesson 2: Ajax with jQuery from the Udacity course: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests by Google, AT&T, & GitHub.

This lesson covered:

Read more: Notes - Asynchronous JavaScript Requests - Lesson 2.1 jQuery & Ajax


47. XHR Process Results

Day 47: June 27, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 1: Ajax with XHR from the Udacity course: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests by Google, AT&T, & GitHub.

This lesson covered:

Read more: Notes - Asynchronous JavaScript Requests - Lesson 1.11 Set Request Header


46. XHR API Request

Day 46: June 26, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 1: Ajax with XHR from the Udacity course: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests by Google, AT&T, & GitHub.

This lesson covered:

Read more: Notes - Asynchronous JavaScript Requests - Lesson 1.6 The XHR Object


45. Ajax with XHR

Day 45: June 25, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Lesson 1: Ajax with XHR from the Udacity course: Asynchronous JavaScript Requests by Google, AT&T, & GitHub.

This lesson covered the basics of

Read more: Notes - Asynchronous JavaScript Requests - Lesson 1.1 Course Intro


44. Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree - Stage 2

Day 44: June 24, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

code log 44

Progress: Started Udacity Mobile Web Specialist Stage 2 prep.

This consisted of


43. Restaurant App - Stage 1 Updated ARIA

Day 43: June 23, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

ARIA Additions to UI

Progress: Completed Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

I resubmitted my Stage 1 project for review with the following changes:

Once this was done I resubmitted everything for review.

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1 - 9. Review Round 1


42. ARIA Color & Contrast

Day 42: June 22, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Finished Lesson 15: Styling from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson covered

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 15.5 Styling with ARIA


41. Styling Accessibility

Day 41: June 21, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Lesson 15: Styling from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson covered

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 15 Focus


40. ARIA Hidden & ARIA Live

Day 40: June 20, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 14: ARIA from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson covered

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 14.7 ARIA Hidden


39. ARIA Relationships & Labels

Day 39: June 19, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 14: ARIA from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson covered

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 14.7 ARIA Labels


38. ARIA Roles

Day 38: June 18, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Lesson 14: ARIA from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson covered

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 14. ARIA


Day 37: June 17, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Finished Lesson 13: Navigation from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson covered

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 13.8 Navigation: Link Text


36. Screen Reader Navigation

Day 36: June 16, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Lesson 13: Navigation from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson covered

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 13 Navigation


35. The Accessibility Tree

Day 35: June 15, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Completed Lesson 12: Semantics from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson covered

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 12.7 - Role, Name, & Value


34. Semantics & Affordance

Day 34: June 14, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Lesson 12: Semantics from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson got into

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 12.1 - Semantics Introduction


33. Restaurant App - Stage 1 Completed!

Day 33: June 13, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Chrome audits screen

Progress: Completed Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

Today I performed final touch ups to the app including:

Once this was done I submitted everything for review.

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1 - 8. Audit Restaurant App


32. Restaurant App - Stage 1 Offline Images

Day 32: June 12, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

App showing offline image

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

Today I focused on getting some final touches completed for this project. Between today and tomorrow I should have everything ready for submission.

Today included the following.

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1 - Generic offline image


31. Restaurant App - Stage 1 Cached Assets

Day 31: June 11, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

App delivering cached assets

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

This section of the code caches assets on service worker install and then serves these cached assets as requests are made.

const staticCacheName = 'restaurant-static-001';

self.addEventListener('install', event => {
      .then(cache => {
        return cache.addAll([
        ]).catch(error => {
          console.log('Caches open failed: ' + error);

The cached assets were served if available otherwise a fetch operation is performed.

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
    caches.match(event.request).then(response => {
      return response || fetch(event.request);
    }).catch(error => {
      return new Response('Not connected to the internet', {
        status: 404,
        statusText: "Not connected to the internet"
      console.log(error, 'no cache entry for:', event.request.url);

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1 - Cache assets on install


30. Restaurant App - Stage 1 Service Worker

Day 30: June 10, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

New look for Restaurant App Homepage

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

The next section of the project consisted of creating the registration code for a Service Worker.

if (navigator.serviceWorker) {
  .then(registration => {
    console.log(`Registration successful, scope is ${registration.scope}`);
  }).catch(error => {
    console.log(`Service worker registration failed, error: ${error}`);

This was then included on each page.

  <script src="js/dbhelper.js"></script>
  <script src="js/register_sw.js"></script> <!-- new -->
  <script src="js/main.js"></script>

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1 - Service Worker


29. Restaurant App - Stage 1 Accessibility

Day 29: June 9, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

New look for Restaurant App Homepage

New look for Restaurant App detail page

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

The part of the project consisted of ensuring Accessibility requirements were met. This includes:

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1 - Accessibility


28. Restaurant App - Stage 1 Responsive Images

Day 28: June 8, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Restaurant App with Responsive Images

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

The next part of the project consisted of creating responsive images for the site. The steps were as follows

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1 - Responsive Images


27. Restaurant App - Stage 1 Responsive Layout

Day 27: June 7, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Restaurant App Layout 1

Restaurant App Layout 2

Progress: Continued Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

This part of the project dealt with creating a responsive layout for the app so that it displayed nicely across multiple viewports and device display sizes.

This is done through:

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1 - Responsive Design


26. Modal Dialogs & Keyboard Traps

Day 26: June 6, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Completed Lesson 11: Focus from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

The final part of this lesson discussed:

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 11.9 - Modal Dialogs & Keyboard Traps


Day 25: June 5, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 11: Focus from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson discussed:

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 11.9 - Managing Focus


24. Tabindex & DOM Order

Day 24: June 4, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 11: Focus from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson discussed:

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 11.4 - DOM Order Matters


23. Focus & Control

Day 23: June 3, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Lesson 11: Focus from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson provided an overview of:

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 11 - Focus


22. Restaurant App - Stage 1

Day 22: June 2, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Restaraunt App

Progress: Started Restaurant Reviews App - Stage 1 project from the Udacity Nanodegree course: Web Accessibility.

This project puts into practice the last 4 weeks worth of classes. Including the following.

The project requires that we take what we’ve learned and apply it to a non-responsive and statically layed out web application. This is due in one week so I started now to ensure I have enough time to complete.

Read more: Notes - Restaurant Review App - Stage 1


21. Accessibility Overview

Day 21: May 31, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Completed Lesson 10: Accessibility Overview from the Udacity course: Web Accessibility.

This lesson provided an overview of:

Read more: Notes - Web Accessibility - Lesson 10 - Accessibility Overview


20. Project Part 3 Solution

Day 20: May 30, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Completed Lesson 9: Full Responsiveness from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson completed the entire Responsive Images course. As the last project we had to completed the Responsive Images Blog with the following:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images - Lesson 9 - Full Responsiveness - Project Part 3


19. Accessibility

Day 19: May 29, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 9: Full Responsiveness from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson covered basic accessibility and the importance of the image alt attribute for devices such as screen readers.

Other things discussed in the lesson were:


Read more: Notes - Responsive Images - Lesson 9 - Full Responsiveness - Accessibility


18. The Picture Element

Day 18: May 28, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

9-21 9-18

Progress: Continued Lesson 9: Full Responsiveness from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson covered the <picture> element and how it’s used in art direction.

Here’s an example of what the code looks like for the kitty above:

    <source media="(min-width: 650px)" srcset="kitten-large.png">
    <source media="(min-width: 465px)" srcset="kitten-medium.png">
    <img src="kitten-small.png" alt="Cute kitten">

The browser chooses the first matching media query.

This markup says:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images - Lesson 9 - Full Responsiveness - The Picture Element


17. Using sizes with srcset

Day 17: May 27, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Continued Lesson 9: Full Responsiveness from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson covered the combination of srcset and sizes attributes.

Here’s an example:

<img src="small.jpg"
  srcset="small.jpg 500w,
          medium.jpg 1000w,
          large.jpg 1500w"
  sizes="(max-width: 250px) 100vw,

This says we have three images sized at 500px, 1000px, & 1500px, respectively, and that the display size will be 100% the viewport width for viewport widths under 250px and will be 50% the viewport width for viewport widths over 250px.

The following items were covered

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images - Lesson 9 - Full Responsiveness - Sizes Attribute


16. Pixel Density Descriptors

Day 16: May 26, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Started Lesson 9: Full Responsiveness from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson discussed the limitations of using media queries to determine which image size to download. Instead the lesson discusses the following:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images - Lesson 9 - Full Responsiveness


15. Project Part 2 Solution

Day 15: May 25, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

project part 2

Progress: Finished Lesson 8: Images with Markup from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson gave the requirements to complete part 2 of this responsive blog project:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images - Lesson 8 - Images with Markup: Project Part 2


14. Icon Fonts & Inlining SVG/data URI Images

Day 14: May 23, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

character symbols

Progress: Continued Lesson 8: Images with Markup from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson talked about:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images - Lesson 8 - Images with Markup: Icon Fonts


13. Unicode Character Sets

Day 13: May 22, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

character symbols

Progress: Continued Lesson 8: Images with Markup from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson talked about:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images - Lesson 8 - Images with Markup: Symbol Characters


12. CSS Background Images

Day 12: May 22, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

responsive images example

Progress: Started Lesson 8: Images with Markup from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson talked about the following:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Course - Lesson 8 Images with Markup


11. Grunt Automation for Responsive Images

Day 11: May 21, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Chrome Logos

Progress: Continued Lesson 7: Units, Formats, Environments from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

The course material was great at exposing me to new concepts of how to responsively serve images based on viewport size or device pixel density.

But it only scratched the surface on how to fully implement these responsive image techniques. I devoted some time to additional online resources to accomplish the following:

  1. Understand how to fully implement responsive image technologies.
  2. Implement resolution switching with srcset and sizes attributes of <img> tag.
    • Resolution switching serves the same image at a different size or resolution based on screen pixel density and/or viewport constraints.
  3. Understand art direction through use of <picture> & <source> elements.
    • Art direction involves serving a different image based on space allocation.
  4. Develop a sensible breakpoint system and use it to come up with ideal compression & dimension settings for image processing.
  5. Implement Grunt (a task runner) to automate the process of creating multi-sized images.
  6. Configure Grunt to update the HTML based on the set of images generated for each <img> element.

Those links are in my notes but I’ve included them below as well

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Course - Resources & Links


10. My Build Environment

Day 10: May 20, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Chrome Logos

Progress: Continued Lesson 7: Units, Formats, Environments from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

Created a Build Environment for my Responsive Images Blog Project. This includes:

I also spent the last 5 days learning how to use Grunt and properly configure a Gruntfile. I learned how to

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Course - My Build Environment


9. Project Part 1 Solution

Day 9: May 17, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Chrome Logos

Progress: Continued Lesson 7: Units, Formats, Environments from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

Lesson 7.16 Project Solution covered

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Lesson - 7.16 Project Solution


8. Responsive Images Blog Project Part 1

Day 8: May 16, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Chrome Logos

Progress: Continued Lesson 7: Units, Formats, Environments from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

Lesson 7.16 covered

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Lesson - 7.16 Project Part 1


7. Raster/Vector, File Formats & Image Compression

Day 7: May 15, 2018 - Tuesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Chrome Logos

Progress: Continued Lesson 7: Units, Formats, Environments from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

Lessons 7.9-7.15 covered

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Lesson - 7.9 Raster and Vector


6. Orientation & Alignment

Day 6: May 14, 2018 - Monday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Landscape & Portrait

Progress: Continued Lesson 7: Units, Formats, Environments from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

Lessons 7.6-7.8 covered

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Lesson - 7.6 Quiz: calc()


5. Use of Relative Sizing

Day 5: May 13, 2018 - Sunday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

Relative sizing 1

Progress: Continued Lesson 7: Units, Formats, Environments from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

Lessons 7.2-7.5 dealt with

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Lesson 7.2 - All About Bits & Pixels


4. DevTools Image Analysis

Day 4: May 12, 2018 - Saturday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

DevTools screenshot 1

Progress: Started Lesson 7: Units, Formats, Environments from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson shows how to use Chrome DevTools to determine:

DevTools screenshot 2

DevTools screenshot

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Lesson 7.1


3. Responsive Images Intro

Day 3: May 11, 2018 - Friday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

responsive images

Progress: Completed Lesson 6: Up & Running from the Udacity course: Responsive Images.

This lesson introduces the concepts of responsive image design. The main take-aways were:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Images Lesson 6


2. Adapt Site for Mobile

Day 2: May 10, 2018 - Thursday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)


Progress: Completed the Home Town App for Lesson 5: Optimizations from the Udacity course: Responsive Web Design Fundamentals.

The assignment was to take an existing app designed for desktop and modify it to be completely responsive across multiple devices.

This required:

Read more: Notes - Responsive Web Design Lesson 5.11 Wrap Up


1. Created Round 3 Code Log

Day 1: May 9, 2018 - Wednesday

Project: Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)

new code log

Progress: Created a new GitHub repo for my Round 3 code log.

This now uses a purple theme and has an updated nav which I’ve migrated over to my previous two logs.

Other updates for today include:

Links: My GitHub repo https://github.com/james-priest/100-days-of-code-log-r3