Ch12 - Canvas Samples

  1. a-canvas1.html - Basic canvas
  2. b-rect1.html - Canvas with fillRect(), clearRect(), & strokeRect()
  3. c-fillStyle1.html - fillRect() with fillStyle property set using css color.
  4. c-fillStyle2.html - fillRect() with fillStyle property set using gradient.
  5. c-fillStyle3.html - fillRect() with fillStyle property set using pattern.
  6. d-lineWidth1.html - strokeRect() with lineWidth property set.
  7. e-lineJoin1.html - strokeRect() with lineJoin property set.
  8. f-strokeStyle1.html - strokeRect() with strokeStyle property set.
  9. g-save-restore1.html - save() and restore().
  10. h-drawLine1.html - beginPath(), moveTo(), lineTo(), closePath(), fill(), and stroke().
  11. i-drawRect1.html - beginPath(), lineTo(), rect(), fill(), and stroke().
  12. i-drawRect2.html - beginPath(), lineTo(), rect(), fill(), and stroke().
  13. j-arcTo1.html - beginPath(), moveTo(), lineTo(), arcTo(), arc(), fillText(), and stroke().
  14. j-arcTo2.html - beginPath(), moveTo(), lineTo(), arcTo(), and stroke().
  15. j-arcTo3.html - beginPath(), moveTo(), lineTo(), arcTo(), arc(), fillText(), and stroke().
  16. j-arcTo4.html - beginPath(), moveTo(), lineTo(), arcTo(), and stroke().
  17. k-arc1.html - beginPath(), arc(), fill(), and stroke().
  18. k-arc2.html - beginPath(), arc(), fill(), and stroke().
  19. k-arc3.html - beginPath(), arc(), fill(), and stroke().
  20. l-text1.html - beginPath(), fillText(), and strokeText().
  21. l-text2.html - beginPath(), textAlign, textBaseline, fillText(), and strokeText().
  22. m-image1.html - drawImage().
  23. m-image2.html - drawImage().
  24. m-image3.html - drawImage(), beginPath(), moveTo(), lineTo(), strokeStyle, lineWidth, font(), textAlign, textBaseline, fillText(), strokeText(), and stroke().