<p id="p1"><b>Hello</b>World</p>
- collapses the range to the beginning
<p id="p1"><b>He|llo</b>World</p>
- collapses the range at the end<p id="p1"><b>Hello</b>Wo|rld</p>
<p id="p1">Paragraph 1</p><p id="p2">Paragraph 2</p>
var oP1 = document.getElementById("p1");
var oP2 = document.getElementById("p2");
var oRange = document.createRange();
alert(oRange.collapsed); //outputs "true"
var oNewRange = oRange.cloneRange();
method on a range object. It takes two arguments: a constant to tell it how to compare and a range to compare to.
- Compares the starting point of the first range to the starting point of the second.Range.START_TO_END (1)
- Compares the starting point of the first range to the end point of the second.Range.END_TO_START (2)
- Compares the end point of the first range to the end point of the second.Range.END_TO_END (3)
Compares the end point of the first range to the start point of the second.oRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, oRange2)
- returns 0 - they are equaloRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, oRange2)
- returns 1 - point 1 comes after point 2compareBoundaryPoints()
result returns the following.
- if the point from the first range comes before the point from the second range.0
- if the points are equal.1
- if the point from the first range comes after the point from the second range.